Final Review Stage
Draft Stage
Concepts, Ideas, Headings
Micro-missiology and Macro-missiology
Diverging, Exploring, Converging
Using the Engel's Scale to Evaluating Missional Outcomes
Ministry Design is a Skill
The relationship between contextualization and scale in ministry
Advantages of Centralization and De-Centralization
Credibility, Plausibility, Desirability - Evaluating Good Contextualization
On Scarcity and Ministry Design - finding leverage and simplicity
Elegant Ministry Solutions - Maximum result derived from minimum effort
"Ministry Design" (get there before CTC does)
Design is "doing something on purpose"
Designing Mind-Blowing Missional Encounters
Inductive contextualization/missiology
Missiology is (not) marketing
Blockchain and Global Mission
"Beachhead" in ministry
21st Century "Ministry Intelligence"
Technology and global mission
Ancient but agile
Eschatology gives Mission it's Power (look at Silicon Valley).
Global Cities as Modern Rome
Building "Public goods" for the church
Drucker and Mission Management
Legitimate Outcomes in Ministry
Your Ministry Needs a Digital Strategy
Becoming an Entrepreneurial Ministry Leader
Global Challenges/Shifts
Designing Better Programs
God engaged the world in the "Missional" mode - so it should be our way as well
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